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1. 询问路线: "Excuse me, where is the nearest subway station?"(请问,最近的地铁站在哪里?)

2. 询问是否可以拍照: "May I take a photo here?"(我可以在这里拍照吗?)

3. 询问是否可以使用Wi-Fi: "Is there wifi here?"(这里有Wi-Fi吗?)

4. 询问餐厅是否接受银联卡: "Do you accept UnionPay?"(你们接受银联卡吗?)

5. 询问是否可以打包带走食物: "Can I get a doggie bag?"(我可以打包带走食物吗?)

6. 询问是否需要提前预定: "Do I need a reservation?"(我需要预约吗?)

7. 询问餐厅是否接受刷卡支付: "Do you take credit cards?"(你们接受刷卡支付吗?)

8. 询问是否有菜单:"Do you have a menu in English?"(你们有英文菜单吗?)

9. 询问是否有素食选项:"Do you have any vegetarian dishes?"(你们有素食菜单吗?)


- 问路:Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to...?

- 问时间:Excuse me, what time is it now?

- 点餐:Could I have the menu, please?/ I'd like to order...

- 买单:Could I have the bill, please?


1. "Could you please tell me the way to ____?" - 请问去____怎么走?
2. "Excuse me, can you recommend some popular attractions in this city?" - 对不起,请问你能推荐一些这个城市的热门景点吗?
3. "I would like a double room for two nights." - 我想要一间双人间,住两个晚上。
4. "Is there a restaurant nearby where I can try local cuisine?" - 附近有没有一家餐厅可以尝试当地美食?
5. "How much does a ticket to ____ cost?" - 去____的票价是多少钱?
6. "Do you have any English-speaking tour guides available?" - 有没有英语导游可以提供?
7. "Excuse me, where is the nearest bus stop/train station?" - 对不起,请问最近的公交车站/火车站在哪里?
8. "Can you please help me with this map?" - 请你帮我看看这个地图好吗?
9. "Is it safe to walk around this area at night?" - 在这个地区晚上安全吗?
10. "Could you give me a discount on this item?" - 这个物品能打个折吗?
