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OG 上面有官方给出的评分标准。


按照评分标准打分才是具有参考价值的分数。正式考试的时候托福口语部分是这样算分的: 托福口语包括了独立任务和综合任务,一共有六道题。考官会根据不同题目类型的评分标准给每道题打一个原始分(0-4分),最后六道题的总分是 0-24 分,然后取算数平均值,你会得到一个 0-4 分的口语总成绩。这个分数会再换算成 0-30 分,显示在托福成绩单上。我不太清楚托福小站批改是凭经验按照 30 分的满分批改,还是严格按照评分要求按照 4 分满分的算分。无论怎样,考试考的是六道题的综合成绩,仅从一段口语得出 22 分的结果,是不太科学的。这样的成绩没有太大参考价值。



1. 说说个你最感兴趣的一个 subject.

2. What type of music do you enjoy most? Explain why you enjoy this type of music.

Include reasons and details in you explanation.

3. 是说有些大学把 paper books 或者 magazines 给卖掉了,取而代之的是 electronicbooks ,你觉得可行不可行。

I agree that the university can sell all the paper books and magazines, and turn into the electronic books.

First, the electronic books make information searching much easier. Because if you want to find some information in the electronic readings, you can just type the key words intoit, and it only takes one second to find the thing you need. But you must read the bookword by word if you use the printed books.

What’s more, the electronic book is free. The university doesn’t have to pay the moneyto buy paper books or magazines. It will save a lot of money that university can use it inother part, such as education system and teaching equipment.
