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Meeting record means that during the meeting, the recorder records the organization and specific content of the meeting, and then forms the meeting record.


There is a difference between "recording" and "recording". A brief note is a note of the important meeting, the important or main speech at the meeting.

Detailed notes require that the recorded items must be complete, and the recorded remarks must be detailed and complete.


Notice June 16th,2006We are going to hold a meeting in Meeting Room 301 at 3:00 on the afternoon of Friday,March


meeting is about the analysis of the market demands and it very important and all the salesmen are required to attend


attend the meeting on time. GM Office ***


83到87册。vol.+数字表示册。比如:Each page is divided into two numbered columns, so a reference to a particular speech in Hansard can read: Vol. 120, No. 24, 22 July 1987, Col. 370. 每页分成用数字表示出的两个专栏,因此当提及议会议事录中某一特定发言时可读成1987年7月22日,第24期,第120册的第370栏。那么p.119或许就是119页之意了。


Dear Sir/Madam-这个抬头如果你知道名字直接写名字就好了I am XX from XX company. I want to check with you about our appointment this morning. I was waiting for you in XX(等在哪里,写约好的地点, 如果是公司就写our company),but you did not come. May I ask the reason? or maybe you changed the time but I did't receive it?Expect your reply. Thank you.Your Sincerely,XXX希望对你有帮助哦~XX都是你自己的信息~
