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家务活用英语怎么说?1、weep the floor【扫地】2、make the bed【铺床】3、water the flowers【浇花】4、wash the windows【擦窗户】5、do the dishes【洗碗】6、cook meals【做饭】7、wash clothes【洗衣服】8、那么,家务活用英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。


clean the floor擦地板悄滚


wash the dishes 洗碗

stack the dishes 把碗掘穗放起来

wash clothes 洗判运卜衣服

wash stocks 洗袜子

clean (wipe) the table 擦桌子

mow the lawn 修剪草坪

lat up the quilts叠被子

tidy the house 打扫屋子



household duties; [医]家务;

house-hold; n.家眷迅漏,王室,咐颂家务adj.家务的,家常的

housework; n.家务劳动

menage ; n.家务,家庭



拖地:mop the floor

扫地:sweep the floor

洗衣服:wash the clothes

烧饭:do the cooking

整理房间tidy (up) the room

擦窗clean the windows

铺床make the bed

摆放餐具set the table

刷墙paint the walls

煮餐点cook the meals

:mop the floor

扫地肆耐:sweep the floor

洗衣服:wash the clothes

烧饭:do the cooking

整理房间tidy (up) the room

擦窗clean the windows

铺租橘床make the bed

摆放餐具set the table

刷墙弊雹团paint the walls

煮餐点cook the meals


clean the room/ sleep the floor/轮卜粗弊颂make the bed/wash the clothes/

take out the trash/腊镇dq the dishes



makeing the bed

cleaning the window

moping the floor

tidying up the desk

pruneing the flower

washing the dishes sweep the floor 扫地孝兄

water flowers浇花

wash dishes洗碗

make dinner/cook做饭

wash clothes洗洞穗衣服

mop the floor 拖地

clean windows擦窗户make the bed,

empty the trash,

set the table,

wash the dishes,

clean the windows.

以上就是家务活用英语怎么说的全部内容,1、do housework 做家务,干家务活;keep house 当家,管理家务。2、例句:(1)We take it in turns to do the housework.我们轮流做家务。(2)She lacked any inclination for housework.她一点都没有兴趣做家务。内容来源于互联网。