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English: Unlock Your Potential (英语:释放你的潜力)

Languages: Keys to Global Understanding (语言:全球理解的关键)

English: The World's Language of Communication (英语:世界的沟通语言)

English for Success: Building Skills for Tomorrow's World (英语成就未来:为明日世界构建技能)

Exploring the Power of English: Communication, Culture and Connection (探索英语的魅力:沟通、文化和连接)

English as a Global Bridge: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening (英语作为全球桥梁:阅读、写作、说和听)

English Language and Cultural Literacy: Keys to Global Citizenship (英语语言与文化素养:全球公民的关键)

Transforming English: Languages for Life, Work and the Global Community (英语变革:语言对生活、工作和全球社会的重要性)




Let's learn together, let's grow together.

Stand up, stretch out, ready for learning.

Let's make learning fun and efficient.

Let's work together to reach our goals.

Today is a new day, let's make it a great day.

Let's learn the lesson of life: never give up.

Success is not a destination, it's a journey. Let's make this journey together.

Tomorrow is not promised, let's make today count.


1. Treading on the edge of glory, Let's reap a harvest in international journey.(追求卓越,走向世界,收获无限。)
2. Join the international class, pursue excellence, and embrace the world. (加入国际班,追求卓越,拥抱世界。)
3. The international journey starts here.(国际之旅从这里开始。)
4. Let's open our horizons and embrace the world. (让我们开阔视野,拥抱世界。)
5. We are international class, we are the best, we are the future. (我们是国际班,我们是最好的,我们是未来。)
6. Let's explore the world, let's challenge the future. (让我们探索世界,挑战未来。)
7. International class, the gateway to the world. (国际班,通向世界的门户。)
8. Pursuing excellence, reaching for the stars. (追求卓越,摘星国际。)
9. Let's aim high and go global. (让我们志存高远,走向全球。)
10. International class, where dreams come true. (国际班,梦想成真的地方。)
