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1. 英语课赛评委发言稿很重要。
2. 发言稿可以让评委在发言之前进行思考和准备,避免出现口误和思路混乱的情况,提高发言的质量和效果。
3. 另外,发言稿也可以让评委对比不同选手的表现,更加客观和公正地进行评判,从而保障比赛的公正性和权威性。




  The Importance of Memory

Ladies and gentlemen,esteemed guests,and fellow lovers of knowledge,

Good morning/afternoon/evening!Today,I am honored to stand before you to discuss a topic that is truly fascinating and deeply rooted in our daily lives.The topic,ladies and gentlemen,is memory.

Memory,as we all know,is the ability to store,retain,and recall information and experiences.It is a vital component of our minds that enables us to learn,grow,and navigate our lives with ease.Without memory,we would be unable to recall our past,plan for the future,or even function on a daily basis.

Let me ask you a question

  Can you imagine a world without memory?A world where we cannot recall our childhood memories,the faces of our loved ones,or the lessons we learned throughout our lives?It would be a chaotic and disorienting


- I believe that by working together, we can achieve great things and create a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.

- I hope that my words today will inspire you to think differently, to take risks, and to pursue your dreams with passion and determination.

- Thank you for your attention and for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts with you today.
