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As the end of the semester approaches, it is time to reflect on what I have learned and achieved over the past few months. This semester has been challenging, but also rewarding, as I have gained new knowledge and skills that will be valuable in my future studies and career.


Firstly, I have improved my English language proficiency significantly. Through attending classes, completing assignments, and participating in discussions, I have expanded my vocabulary, enhanced my grammar skills, and improved my overall communication abilities. I am now more confident in my ability to express myself in English, both verbally and in writing.

Secondly, I have learned how to manage my time effectively. With a heavy workload and multiple deadlines to meet, I have had to prioritize my tasks and develop a schedule that allows me to complete everything on time. This has been a valuable skill to learn, as it will be useful not only in my academic studies but also in my future career.

1. 2. 英语学习需要长期坚持和努力,期末总结是对自己学习成果的检验和总结,同时也是对自己学习方法和策略的反思和调整。
3. 在期末总结中,我们可以回顾自己的学习历程,总结自己的优点和不足,找到自己的学习方法和策略,为以后的学习打下坚实的基础。

This semester, I have made good progress in English learning. I have spent more time on vocabulary, grammar and reading. I also listen to English music and watch English movies to improve my language sense. I still have some problems in writing and speaking, but I will keep trying to improve them.
