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从取分数来看,作为一所广东省地方性本科高校,惠州学院2021年在省内的录取情况还是可以的,特别是师范专业,录取分数线相对较高,师范专业是它的王牌专业 ,就业率还是非常高的,比韩山师范学院的就业率高多了,特别是近几年随着惠州经济的迅速发展,惠州大学的名字已经有了很大的提升,它的定向师范生的分数是要达到重点本科的分数,想要考上,也不容易哦



Sure! Here are some famous people from Huizhou, China:

Huang Gongwang: Huang Gongwang was a prominent painter and one of the Four Masters of the Yuan Dynasty. He was born in Huizhou and is known for his landscape paintings, particularly "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains," which is considered a masterpiece of Chinese art.

Chen Yingjie (aka Hua Tuo): Chen Yingjie, also known as Hua Tuo, is a renowned contemporary artist and sculptor. He was born in Huizhou and is famous for his large-scale sculptures that combine traditional Chinese elements with modern artistic expressions.

Ouyang Xiu: Ouyang Xiu was a notable scholar, historian, and statesman during the Song Dynasty. Born in Huizhou, he made significant contributions to Chinese literature and calligraphy and played a crucial role in political reforms during his time.

Li Huitang (1905~1979), the word light beam, Lu Wei, Chinese famous football player. Born in September 18, 1905 in Hongkong, Guangdong Province, Meizhou native of Guangdong Hakka people in Wuhua county. 

Started playing football from the age of 17, active in the twenty or thirty's of the last century the Asian football fans and media in Hongkong, was affectionately named "Asia star".1976年8月13日,联邦德国

