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120的英语单词?120的英语单词是One hundred and twenty,例句:One hundred and twenty one countries are now contracting parties to theConvention.目前,已有121个国家成为本公约的缔约方。那么,120的英语单词?一起来了解一下吧。


这个是1至19【1 one】【2 two】【3 three】【4 four】【5 five】【6 six】【7 seven】【8 eight】【9 nine】【10ten】【11eleven】【12twelve】【13thirteen】【14 fourteen】【15 fifteen】【16sixteen】弊闷【17 seventeen】【18 eighteen】【19 nineteen】这个是20至90【20 twenty】【21 twenty-one】【30thirty】【31 thirty-one】【40 forty】【50 fifty】【60 sixty】【70 seventy】【80 eithty】【90ninety】这里是120至1000【120one hundred and twenty】【121one hundred and twenty-(one)】把括号里面的单词改为上面深色单词就行了,如【122one hundred and twenty-(two)】.【130one hundred and thirty】【131one hundred and thirty-one】.【140one hundred and forty】【141one hundred and forty-one】.【150one hundred and fifty】【151one hundred and fifty-one】.【160one hundred and sixty】【161one hundred and sixty-one】.【170one hundred and seventy】【171one hundred and seventy-one】.【180one hundred and eithty】举卜友【181one hundred and eithty-one】.【190one hundred and ninety】【191one hundred and ninety-one】.【199one hundred and ninety-nine】将“100one hundred ”改为“200two hundred ”,后面不变,如【201two hundred and one】.【220two hundred and twenty】【221two hundred and twenty-one】.如此类推【300three hundred】【400four hundred】【500five hundred】【600six hundred】【正槐700seven hundred】【800eithy hundred】【900nine hundred】【1000 one thousand】如果不满意,我再补充回答,谢谢采纳




120的英文: one hundred and twenty

急救电话:one two zero


1. The unIt'size is one hundred and twenty square feet.


2. One hundred and twenty dollars per night, excluding tax.


3. Five cubed is one hundred and twenty - five.


4. Only one hundred and twenty - one votes !

仅仅 一百二十一 票!

5. Fantine owed them one hundred and twenty francs.


6. Affected by any event of Force Majeure for more than one hundred and twenty ( 120 ) days.

受不可抗力事件影响超过 一百二十 天.

穗毕7. And Hiram sent to the king one hundred and twenty talents of gold.


8. Methods One hundred and twenty - six patients with pituitary adenomas were operated via endoscope - assisted direct transsphenoidal approach.


9. The office is ten metres by twelve -- Its area is one hundred and twenty square metres.

这个办公室是10米乘12米 —— 其面积是120平方米.

10. But, I lost eleven hundredfour thousand three hundred and twenty - one pounds.

但是, 我丢了一千一百六十五万 四千三百二哗慎十一 英镑.

11. The children of Lod , Hadid, and Ono, seven hundred and twenty - one .

罗德人, 哈第人, 阿挪人共 七百二十一 名.

12. You lost by only a hundred and twenty - one votes .

仅仅以 一百二十一 票的微弱差距输了.

13. Six foot one, two hundred and twenty pounds, Fisher was built like a heavyweight boxer.

身高1米86, 体重100公斤, 费蛇耳生的象个重量级拳王.

14. Please give me two one - hundred dollar bills and five twenty dollar bills.


猜芦芹15. We have hundred sixty one hundred eighty and one hundred twenty.



One hundred and twenty

twenty英[?twenti]美[?tw?nti, ?tw?n-]

n.二十,二十个; 二尘哗迹十多岁; 二十年代; 许多,大量;



[例句]They're both in their twenties and both married with children of their own.




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200:Two hundred




one hundred and twenty


One Two Zero

以上就是120的英语单词的全部内容,120:One hundred and twenty。121:One hundred and twenty-one。。122:One hundred and twenty-two。123:One hundred and twenty-three。124:One hundred and twenty-four。125:One hundred and twenty-five。内容来源于互联网。