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在体育课上英语?上体育课的英语:take a gym class。示例:have gym class every day.我每天都有体育课。class读法英 [klɑ?s] 美 [kl?s]n. 班级;(一节)课,上课时间;(某一科目的)课程;阶级,那么,在体育课上英语?一起来了解一下吧。




In PE class



Leo learns a lot in the PE class.


In the physical education


1、 From the physical constraints, I was in physical education on home, ease.

摆脱了体能的约束, 我居然在体育课上混得如鱼陵森得水, 轻松自尺答亩在.

2.We often play football in PE class.


























have PE class.


星期烂友一下午天气晴朗,同学们在上体育课.大家正在参与不同的体育碰纤活笑历仿动,有篮球,足球,排球,乒乓球等,也有一些同学正在休息.尽管很热,但是大家还是很愉快.英语It is a farily bright and clear Sunday afternoon. A group of children are having gym class on the playground. They are actively participating in a variety of sports items, such as basketball, football, volleyball, table tennis and so on. At the meantime, some others are taking rest aside. Despite of the extremely warm weather, they are all having a nice time still.


Sports and GamesAll over the world millions of people take part in different kinds of sports. Sports are perhaps the most popular form of relaxation that almost all can enjoy.Some people seem to think that sports and games are unimportant things that people do at times when they are not working. But in fact sports and games can be of great value, especially to people who work with their brains most of the day. They should not be treated only as ammusements.Sports and games build our bodies, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us healthy. They also give us valuable practice in helping the eyes, brain and muscles to work together. In table tennis, the eyes see the ball ing, judge its speed and direction, and pass the information on to the brain. The brain has to decide what to do and sends its orders to the muscles of the arms legs and so on, so that the bah is met and hit back where the player wants it to do. All this must happen with very great speed, and only those who have had a lot of practice can do this successfully.Sports and games are also very useful for character-training. In their lessons, boys and girls may learn about such virrues as unselfishness courage disciple and love of one's country, but what is learned in books can not have the same deep effect on a child's character as what is learned through practice. Most of students' time is spent in classes, studying lessons. So what the students do in their spare time is of great importance. If each of them learns to go all out for his team and not for himself on the sports field, he will later find it natural to work for the good of society, for the good of his country.

求一篇英语作文 《对体育的看法》

Sports and games do a lot of good to our health. They can make us strong, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep healthy and fit. Especially they can be of great value to people who work with their brains most of the day, for sports and games give people valuable practice in exercising the body.What's more, they make our life richer and more colourful. If we do not have a strong body, we will find it hard to do whatever we want. So persons of all ages enjoy watching and taking part in various kinds of sports-track and fields, swimming, skating, football, volleyball and basketball, etc.Sports and games are also very useful in character training. They demand not only physical skills and strength but also courage, endurance, discipline and usually teamwork. For boys and girls, what is learned in the playground often has a deep effect on their character. If each of them learns to work for his team and not for himself on the football field, he will later find it natural to work for the good of his country instead of only for his own benefit. joozoneA healthy citizen makes a strong country. Let's all take part in sports and games.


The spirit of sports spirit is "healthy" sports tend to reflect a person the spirit of unremitting struggle. Change the fate of the individual! Sports is an international language, people don't even need to be translated, do not need to explain, can free exchange. It made its own contribution to world peace and the Olympic Games hosting the friendship and unity, peace and justice, love and respect, and so on spirit. The Olympic is synonymous with sports spirit, is a sign of modern civilization. "Sacred truce", is characterized by the pursuit of peace and friendship of the spirit, for whatever we desire; Respect the spirit of fairness, equality, petition, bee the pursuit of ideals; Physical exercise, display bee people to pursue health and beauty goals. The Olympic spirit is the miracle of modern social civilization. Sports spirit to make people more easily beeen munication, make the cooperation more widely, let all the emergence of new possibilities .


School affords us a variety of extracurricular activities,which enriches students' experience on a daily basis.There are numerous people hanging out in the playground during the PE class.Some are playing basketball,some are playing table tennis,others are playing football.We can always have a blast finally.


My Favorite Sports【我最喜爱的运动】Sports help everyone to keep healthy,happy,and efficient.So I pay special attention to games,especially table-tennis.Table tennis is my favorite game.I play it almost every day.Table-tennis is an ideal game us because it brings the whole body into action.It strengthens our muscles,expands our lungs,promotes the circulation of the blood,and causes a healthy action of the skin.Besides,it is very amusing and does not cost us much money.Table-tennis is very moderate; it is not so rough as football.It is an indoor game and can be played even on rainy days.Thus,it is my favorite kind of exercise.运动能帮助每一个人保持健康、快乐和有效率.所以我特别重视运动,特别是桌球,桌球是我最喜欢的运动.我几乎每天玩.桌球对我们而言,是一项理想的运动,因为它可以使我们全身运动,它可以增强我们的肌肉,扩张我们的肺部,促进血液循环,并且使肌肤产生健康作用,此外,它很有趣而且所费不多.桌球是相当温和适中的,它不像足球那么粗野.它是一种室内运动,甚至在下雨天也能玩.因此,桌球是我最喜爱的一种运动.For 36 years after basketball entered the Olympic Games as a full medal sport for men,the question was not who would win,but who would finish second.The United States owned the game,and not just because it was invented there.The Soviet Union took home the gold when they toppled the US team in a controversial 1972 game.After another semi-final victory for the Soviets in 1988,the sport opened to professionals.Once again,the question became who would finish second.In Barcelona in 1992,with a squad featuring some of the world's best-known athletes - Michael Jordan,Magic Johnson and Larry Bird - the gold-medal winning US "Dream Team" gave an exhibition of basketball at its best.Women's basketball hasn't been quite such a one-sided affair.Since it joined the Olympic programme in 1976,the gold medals have been divided beeen the US,the Soviet Union and,after the break-up of the Soviet Union,the Commonwealth of Independent States.在男子篮球成为正式的奥运会比赛项目之后的36年中,人们关注的焦点并不是谁会赢得冠军,而是亚军的归属.美国是这项运动的主宰,这并不仅仅是因为篮球起源于美国.苏联曾在1972的一场有争议的比赛中击败了美国,获得了奥运金牌.在1988年苏联再次击败美国赢得奥运会篮球半决赛的胜利后,奥运会篮球赛向职业选手敞开了大门,于是人们关注的焦点又成了谁将获得亚军.在1992年的巴塞罗那奥运会上,拥有迈克尔·乔丹、魔术师约翰逊、拉里·伯德等著名职业选手的美国“梦之队”上演了一场精彩绝伦的表演赛.而女子篮球的决赛就不是一边倒了.自从1976成为奥运会正式比赛项目之后,冠军起初是由美国和苏联分享,在苏联解体后则有美国和独联体来争夺.游泳 Swimming:Olympic swimming has e a long way,to temperature-controlled 50-metre pools,wave-killing gutters,lane markers designed to reduce turbulence,and status as one of the Games' glamour events.It is far removed from those early days.Women's swimming events became a regular part of the Olympic Games in 1912,and men and women now pete in 16 events each.The programme involves four different strokes across a range of distances.Freestyle races cover 50,100,200,400,800 and 1500 metres.The 800m is for women only,the 1500m for men only.The butterfly,backstroke and breaststroke races each cover 100 and 200 metres.All four strokes are used in the 200m and 400m individual medley events.游泳:奥林匹克游泳取得了进展,到温度控制的50米水池、挥动杀害天沟、通路标志被设计的减少动荡和状态作为其中一个比赛的魅力事件.它从那些尚早被去除.1912年妇女的游泳竞赛成为了奥林匹克运动会的一个规则部分,并且人和妇女在16个事件中的每一个现在竞争.节目介入四个不同冲程横跨距离的范围.自由式种族包括50,100,200,400,800和1500米.800m是为只有妇女,1500m为只有人.蝴蝶、仰泳和蛙泳赛跑每盖子100和200米.全部四个冲程用于200m和400m各自的混杂的人群事件.


I Love PE I would spend the most of my PE lesson to exercise rather than study in class. There are various activities, such as playing table tennis, playing football and so on. While, I just love running, especially the long-distance running for it exercises my endurance and perseverance.Not only it is beneficial to prevent and cure diseases, but it can alleviate my pressure from study.


Oh, you are having an exam? All right, here is the position:There are many different kinds of sport, such as play basketball, volleyball, badminton, Ping Pong and many other interesting sports. These sports can help us keep healthy and strong. When I was young, I didn't like to do sports. What I hated the most was morning exercises. However, now I realized that in order to keep healthy, we have to do sports, such as long-distance running. Couple with some healthy diet like rice and vegetables, we will definitely be much healthier and stronger now than before. Trust me and let's do more sports! (93字)

求一篇讨论高三学生上体育课情况的英语作文 积极的认为?不积极的认...

Environmental problems are being more and more serious all over the world. With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas. Trees on the hills have been cut down,and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers. Furthermore,wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing. Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man's existence. We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. For instance, new laws must about the hazard of pollution and so on

My Favorite Sports【我最喜爱的运动】Sports help everyone to keep healthy,happy,and efficient.So I pay special attention to games,especially table-tennis.Table tennis is my favorite game.I play it almost every day.Table-tennis is an ideal game us because it brings the whole body into action.It strengthens our muscles,expands our lungs,promotes the circulation of the blood,and causes a healthy action of the skin.Besides,it is very amusing and does not cost us much money.Table-tennis is very moderate; it is not so rough as football.It is an indoor game and can be played even on rainy days.Thus,it is my favorite kind of exercise.运动能帮助每一个人保持健康、快乐和有效率.所以我特别重视运动,特别是桌球,桌球是我最喜欢的运动.我几乎每天玩.桌球对我们而言,是一项理想的运动,因为它可以使我们全身运动,它可以增强我们的肌肉,扩张我们的肺部,促进血液循环,并且使肌肤产生健康作用,此外,它很有趣而且所费不多.桌球是相当温和适中的,它不像足球那么粗野.它是一种室内运动,甚至在下雨天也能玩.因此,桌球是我最喜爱的一种运动.For 36 years after basketball entered the Olympic Games as a full medal sport for men,the question was not who would win,but who would finish second.The United States owned the game,and not just because it was invented there.The Soviet Union took home the gold when they toppled the US team in a controversial 1972 game.After another semi-final victory for the Soviets in 1988,the sport opened to professionals.Once again,the question became who would finish second.In Barcelona in 1992,with a squad featuring some of the world's best-known athletes - Michael Jordan,Magic Johnson and Larry Bird - the gold-medal winning US "Dream Team" gave an exhibition of basketball at its best.Women's basketball hasn't been quite such a one-sided affair.Since it joined the Olympic programme in 1976,the gold medals have been divided beeen the US,the Soviet Union and,after the break-up of the Soviet Union,the Commonwealth of Independent States.在男子篮球成为正式的奥运会比赛项目之后的36年中,人们关注的焦点并不是谁会赢得冠军,而是亚军的归属.美国是这项运动的主宰,这并不仅仅是因为篮球起源于美国.苏联曾在1972的一场有争议的比赛中击败了美国,获得了奥运金牌.在1988年苏联再次击败美国赢得奥运会篮球半决赛的胜利后,奥运会篮球赛向职业选手敞开了大门,于是人们关注的焦点又成了谁将获得亚军.在1992年的巴塞罗那奥运会上,拥有迈克尔·乔丹、魔术师约翰逊、拉里·伯德等著名职业选手的美国“梦之队”上演了一场精彩绝伦的表演赛.而女子篮球的决赛就不是一边倒了.自从1976成为奥运会正式比赛项目之后,冠军起初是由美国和苏联分享,在苏联解体后则有美国和独联体来争夺.游泳 Swimming:Olympic swimming has e a long way,to temperature-controlled 50-metre pools,wave-killing gutters,lane markers designed to reduce turbulence,and status as one of the Games' glamour events.It is far removed from those early days.Women's swimming events became a regular part of the Olympic Games in 1912,and men and women now pete in 16 events each.The programme involves four different strokes across a range of distances.Freestyle races cover 50,100,200,400,800 and 1500 metres.The 800m is for women only,the 1500m for men only.The butterfly,backstroke and breaststroke races each cover 100 and 200 metres.All four strokes are used in the 200m and 400m individual medley events.游泳:奥林匹克游泳取得了进展,到温度控制的50米水池、挥动杀害天沟、通路标志被设计的减少动荡和状态作为其中一个比赛的魅力事件.它从那些尚早被去除.1912年妇女的游泳竞赛成为了奥林匹克运动会的一个规则部分,并且人和妇女在16个事件中的每一个现在竞争.节目介入四个不同冲程横跨距离的范围.自由式种族包括50,100,200,400,800和1500米.800m是为只有妇女,1500m为只有人.蝴蝶、仰泳和蛙泳赛跑每盖子100和200米.全部四个冲程用于200m和400m各自的混杂的人群事件.

转载请注明出处 ? 上体育课用英语怎么说

以上就是在体育课上英语的全部内容,One girl pretended to be sick on days when she had athletics, until the teacher got wise to is and made her go to gym.一个女生在上体育课的时候假装生病,直到老师了解真情让她去体育场。内容来源于互联网。