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taste的中文翻译及音标怎么写(taste 的中文翻译)

1.[C,U] 味道
2.不可数名词: 味觉
3.可数名词:[taste of sth.]【通常作单数】(品尝的)少量食物或饮料,首次的[最初的]经历或体验,尝试
4.[C,U][taste (for sth.)] 爱好,嗜好
5.不可数名词: 判断力,鉴赏力,审美力,欣赏力,适度而得体的举止
1.[I,T]【不用于进行时态;常与can连用】 能辨别(味道),尝出,品出
2.不及物动词:[taste (of sth.)] 有某种(所指的)味道
3.及物动词: 尝(某物)的味道,品;吃(食物),喝(液体)
4.及物动词: 体验,领略(某事) 词形变化

形容词 tastable,tasty,tasteful,tasteless

副词 tastefully

taste的中文翻译及音标怎么写(taste 的中文翻译)

名称 taster,tasting

时态 tasted,tasting,tastes


have flavor; taste of something

take a sample of

delicate discrimination (especially of aesthetic values)

a kind of sensing; distinguishing substances by means of the taste buds

the faculty of distinguishing sweet, sour, bitter, and salty properties in the mouth

the sensation that results when taste buds in the tongue and throat convey information about the chemical composition of a soluble stimulus

have a distinctive or characteristic taste

perceive by the sense of taste

distinguish flavors

a small amount eaten or drunk

experience briefly

a brief experience of something

a strong liking


to taste adv.按口味

taste of v.有...味道,体验,感到

in taste 风雅的, 大方的, 得体的, 有礼的

of taste 风雅的,有味道的,有趣的

out of taste 没有鉴赏力的,粗俗的,缺乏风味的

taste bud n.[解]味蕾

taste perception 味知觉

change taste phr. 改变品味

taste and preference 消费者嗜好

taste blindness 味盲


taste n.1.[C,U] 味道2.[U] 味觉3.[C][taste of sth.]【通常作单数】(品尝的)少量食物或饮料,首次的[最初的]经历或体验,尝试4.[C,U][taste (

taste tester n. 品尝师;试味员

color taste 【医】 偿味觉色, 色味(联觉)

taste blindness 味觉缺损

taste goblet 味蕾

after taste 【医】 后味, 余味

taste maker n. 领导新潮的人

taste test v. 用品尝来评测...的品质


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