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1. 英语作文北京之旅要求包括天安门、故宫、长城、北海公园、颐和园、鸟巢、水立方等景点。
2. 这些景点都是北京的著名景点,代表了中国的历史和文化,也是国际上知名的旅游胜地,因此在英语作文中提到这些景点可以展示对中国文化和旅游业的了解和认识。
3. 此外,如果想要更深入地了解这些景点,可以在作文中加入一些历史背景、文化内涵、建筑特色等方面的内容,以展示自己对这些景点的深入理解和研究。



The weather in Bejing

The weather in Bejing is not predictable,but strongly linked to air polution.In July,a friend from California told me" the air is so heavy that a knife can't cut through it".He described the weather in July exactly.In August,he visited Beijing again and told me " the air is much light than it was in July".I agreed and feeled like I can enjoy the best season in Beijing.Now,with the approching of September,the steaming hot air revisits Beijing.Feeling hard to breathe.


in spring it is warm. in summer it is hot. in fall it is cool and dry. in winter it is cold. i like eachoftheseasin in beijing


五年级介绍北京的英语作文50字 Beijing is a bustling city. After a heavy rain, Beijing city take on an altogether new aspect. The most beautiful is when Beijing falls, be riotous with colour neon its brightness dazzles the eyes., very beautiful. I love Beijing!
