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看病 (医生治病) see a patient或treat或attend或give medical advice:例句: send for a doctor;请医生来看病The old doctor handles his cases with great care.这位老医生看病很仔细。短语: see a doctor或see a patient希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你考上理想的学校


to hospital前用什么冠词?

“去医院”的英文不是“go to hospital”

go to the hospital 注意哦,hospital 前多了个定冠词the! 区分: go to hospital 指去住院看病, 病人 go to the hospital 指去到医院, 可能是医生, 护士, 或探望病人的人

1. 表示“住院”“进医院”“出院”等与住院治病有关的用法,在英国英语中不用冠词,而在美国英语中可用冠词。如:

He was rushed to (the) hospital by ambulance. 他被救护车迅速送到了医院。

The injured were taken to (the) hospital. 受伤的人都送进了医院。

He’s been in (the) hospital since his accident. 他从发生事故之后,一直在医院里。

By the time he was taken to (the) hospital he was nearly dead. 他被送到医院时已经几乎不行了。


1. I need to make an appointment to see a doctor.

2. I'm experiencing some health issues and I would like to see a physician.

3. Can you recommend a good doctor in this area?

4. I would like to schedule a check-up or a physical examination.

5. I have a medical condition and I need to see a specialist.

6. I'm feeling unwell and I need to see a healthcare professional.

7. I would like to get a second opinion on my diagnosis.

8. Can you provide me with a referral to a specialist?

9. I need to get a prescription filled for my medication.

10. I would like to discuss my test results with the doctor.
