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中国艺术英语作文?Chinese paper cutting is very popular around the world and it is often given as a present to foreign friends.翻译: 剪纸(paper cutting)是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。那么,中国艺术英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。


On New Year's eve


New Year's eve, good lively! People have roved work, stick the couplets hung again pictures, Chip miles PaLa's firecrackers like in a pot, stir sesame similar continues, Spluttered pa fireworks sound like Beijing tiananmen held a grand celebration like, through the streets, and through the tall buildings, the dark of night according as the day. Home on New Year's eve everywhere brimmed with a beaming scene.

The night came! Wait for collection of my sister and happily took out "kaleidoscope". I excitedly only took fireworks and lighter, ready to carry out my New Year's eve first plan - let off fireworks. We put the first shot is "a squealing blunt day", with a loud noise, the sky as the day, good spectacular immediately! Followed by "day female spread flower", the so-called day female spread flower, just as its name implies, it must be very beautiful scene. You see, indeed as expected, fairies in the sky to take a basket of flowers without pity to Isaac to earth. Those flowers in the air flowing long, beautiful! Brake, the air became colorful world. My sister and I dancing with delight. Then, we put the parachute, "" they", "baihua bold and unrestrained"...

My New Year's eve's second plan, no doubt, of course, is watching the Spring Festival evening. Our family ring sit in front of the TV and enthusiastically waiting for the arrival of the Spring Festival gala. Happy remaining, suddenly daddy's face became dark. I think: dad, what is this? Let not how I want, dad when opened words magazine: "now days is heaven days!" Father suddenly flashed such a few words, I puzzled and hurriedly cross-examine "dad, what heaven day?" Dad at small TV spin down, say to us: "kids, you are not understanding of ah! We used these people can bitter!"

"You see today reunion dinner table of dishes, well, how abundantly. If this in the past, want to dare not to think about it." Father lit a cigarette and took a bite, and to longly say: "I always listen to your grandpa said, he that age, Chinese New Year can have flesh to eat, and will be satisfied, and many people admire. I remember you grandpa's such a thing: that year before the Spring Festival, your grandpa had picked up a bear old books to HouZhou to sell. He sells books of money to buy a dao won't eat meat, come back. Want to eat meat, toward the hanging pork look. Months past, that hang meat is still good words. One day, your grandpa in a wooden ladder climb a look, leaving next leather - meat was all mice ate! So, people want to eat, but became a mouse meal, how a shame!" Say, father stood up, with the hand gestures, says to us, "you these kids now is simply fell into a honeypot, what not to eat ah, New Year, New Year out on table is' three floors'! Especially in recent years, the reform and open policy, the farmer onto the first, living standards increase, table vary more. Even the swan meat all can eat to. You should cherish the happy life today!"

Yeah, now working people's living standard is indeed has much improved. All this, all by the party's policy making, all by the party's leadership good!

This year's New Year's eve, we stick couplet, hang posters, firework, watching TV, though it is a bit busy, but it is rich and colorful, make me in busy learned many. And the most cause me unforgettable memories ", or "listen to father's words were made in my past understand much...



Beijing Opera, say again "PiHuang", from "XiPi" and "TLC identification method for erhuang are two basic accent its component music material and sing some small places tunes (such as LiuZi cavity, ChuiQiang etc) and kunqu aims. It formed in Beijing, time is in 1840 around, prevailed in the 1930s and 1940s, with "Chinese," said. Now it is still have of the impact of national large operas. It up comprehensive, performing mature, imposing manner macro beauty, is representative of the modern Chinese opera. Peking Opera is China's "tranditional", more than 200 years of history. In addition, "Beijing Opera" is a network with "terror term, meaning".


1、Beijing Opera translation: a great task

In recent years, more and more foreign dramas and operas are being performed in Chinese theatres. However, it seems that chances for foreign audience to enjoy Chinese traditional operas are relatively fewer, resulting in an unbalanced exchange between China and the other foreign countries in the world. Beijing Opera, the very repress introduced to more audience of Chinese traditional operas, worth being of the entire world.Mrs. Elizabeth Wichmann-Walczak's version of Mei Lanfang's representative Beijing Opera work The Phoenix Returns to Its Nest sets a good example.

2、A brief introduction to Beijing Opera

Beijing Opera (or Peking Opera) has existed for over 200 years.It is widely regarded as the highest expression of Chinese culture. It is known as one of the three main theatrical systems in the world. Artistically, Beijing Opera is perhaps the most refined form of opera in the world. It has deeply influenced the hearts of the Chinese people. Although it is called Beijing Opera, its origins are not in Beijing but in the Chinese provinces of Anhui and Hubei. After absorbing the operatic tunes of regional operas such as Han Opera, Hui Opera, and Kunqu Opera, it became a genre of national significance and popularity during the 1790's. The charm of Beijing Opera lies in the comprehensive form of stage art. It is an organic combination of script literature, the performing techniques of "singing, reciting, dance-acting and acrobatics", music, painted-face make-ups and costumes, and so on.

3、Beijing Opera translation

The early attempts to bring Chinese drama to the West mainly consisted in translation of traditional Chinese opera lyrics, which served as literature for the purpose of reading rather than performance. These include Xi Xiang .Ii and a great number of other Yuan dynasty operas. In 1741, Zhao Shi Gu Er, or as Edward Cave rendered it, Chau Shi Ku Eul: The Little Orphan of the Family of Chau, was translated into English. Three English versions' of this play were published in London, translated respectively by Edward Cave, William Hatchett and John Watts. Among the modern classics in Chinese modern drama translated into English were Cao Yu's Thundestorm by Wang Tso-Bang and A.C. Barnes and Wildness by James Liu. Since the late 1970s, many new Chinese plays have been collected in anthologies of translations of contemporary Chinese literature.

4、In this period, Peking opera became the most popular and economically developed form of urban stage entertainment in China and its actors, playwrights, and patrons were central figures in the popular imagination and cultural politics of the day. As a diverse group these actors and their allies worked within the context of a rapidly changing urban and national culture to overcome social and political discrimination and elevate their art to the level of internationally recognized cultural respectability. In the process, Peking opera was in many ways on the leading edge of modern transformations and experimentations in creating new meanings for popular theater, new dynamics of urban sociability, and new representations of gender, while at the same time serving as a symbol for a traditional culture that many sensed was receding under the pressures of modernization.




Chinese paper cut has a long history of over 2000 years.It can be seen in different parts of China.Many peopleno matter young or oldare fond of it.

People in northern part of Chinado well in making paper cut.They cut paper into different shapeslike birdsanimalsflowers and so on.

I think Chinese paper cuts are not onlybeautiful but also very useful.People usually put them on doors or windowswhen they celebrate something happyespecially for the Spring Festival.More and more people are interested in it.I hope you'll come to Chinato see more Chinese paper cuts one day.中国剪纸有2000多年的悠久历史。








1.2 个 孩子

以上就是中国艺术英语作文的全部内容,9. 中国剪纸艺术 英语作文 剪纸艺术是最古老的汉族民间艺术之一,作为一种镂空艺术,它能给人以视觉上以透空的感觉和艺术享受。 剪纸用剪刀将纸剪成各种各样的图案,如窗花、门笺、墙花、顶棚花、灯花等。内容来源于互联网。