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1. I go to school by bus every day.


2. My father drives me to school in his car.

3. We took the train to Beijing last weekend.

4. She rides her bike to work every morning.

5. They flew to Paris for their vacation.


on/in+限定词+交通工具,这个限定词指的是a an the my/his等形容词性物主代词,或者名词所有格; in常常用于car、van等之前,而bus,plane train等常常用on.

take+a/the+交通工具 ,其中a/the 必须加,要不视情况交通工具用复数也可。


如: He takes a car to work=He goes to work in a /the/his car= he goes to work by car.


I remembered that I went to university,first I took a taxi then I went there by boat because I had to cross the Changjang River next I went on by bus .but my classmates who lived near Suzhou university they could walk there.while some of them also were able to bike there .

I go to school by bus because it's not very far from school.It always takes me half an hour to go to school.My friend Mike goes to school by car because his home is very far away from school.He usually spends one hour arriving at school .
