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May I have a menu, please? 请给我一份菜单。

Could you please recommend some specialties? 你可以推荐一些特色菜吗?

What would you like to eat? 你想吃什么?

I'd like to have a combo set meal. 我想点一份套餐。

Could you please tell me how the set meals differ? 可以告诉我这些套餐有什么不同吗?

What kind of sauce do you prefer? 你喜欢哪种酱汁?

I'll have the same as you. 我要和你一样的。

Could you please repeat the order? 可以重复一下点餐内容吗?

1.We would like a table for five.我们五人桌

2.May I have the menu, please? (服务员)拿下菜单我看看

3.I’d like a cheese pizza,please. 我点芝士披萨

4.What’s special today?今天有特别限定的吗?

5.I’d like the check, please. (服务员)买单

6.I’ll have water.我喝水

7.Are there any nuts / peanuts? My child has allergies. 菜里有花生或坚果吗?我家孩子过敏。

8.Can I have no ice, please? 我的饮料去冰,谢谢

9.Is it spicy?这个菜辣么?

10.Can I have a refill, please? (服务员)续杯,谢谢!



那就是:how much?多少钱?然后将计算器推到他面前。其他都不是必须用语言回答的,人还有肢体语言,这是只有人类才有的强大优势!

1. Would you like tap or bottled water / Can I get you a drink? 

I will have_______

Would you like tap or bottled water 

2. May I take your order now? / What would you all like to order?

Do you have any questions about the menu?

Can we have a few more minutes please?

I would like to have ______

3. How would you like that done? / How would you like that cooked?

一分熟 rare 

三分熟 medium rare 
