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A: Excuse me, could you please help me find the way to the nearest subway station?
B: Sure, what's the name of the station you're looking for?
A: I'm looking for the nearest subway station to the Smithsonian Museum.
B: Ah, the Smithsonian Station is quite close by. You just need to walk down this street and take the first left turn.
A: Thank you very much. Do I need to buy a ticket before I get on the subway?
B: Yes, you need to buy a ticket from the machine or from the booth outside the station.
A: How much does it cost?
B: It depends on the distance you're traveling. You can check the fare schedule on the machine or ask the conductor when you get on the train.
A: OK, I will do that. Is there a restroom in the subway station?
B: Yes, there is a restroom in the station. You can find it on the left side when you enter the station.
A: Thank you very much for your help.
B: You're welcome. Have a nice day!



在香港是Next station, XXX, interchange station for xxx Line. 不过在英国,alight是常常用到的。伦敦地铁里靠近白金汉宫的那站Green Park Station报站时就用alight here for Buckingham Palace. 去白金汉宫的在此下车。可能是因为alight这个词比较专业不太常用(但是真的很简洁),所以听上去怪怪的。


地铁的英语:subway,发音为: ['sʌbweɪ]


词性:n. 地铁;地道;vi. 乘地铁。


subway station n. 地铁车站

take the subway 乘地铁

subway system 地铁网

by subway 乘坐地铁

pedestrian subway 地下人行道
